MB Music Academy - MBMA

Top 7 Audio Mixing Techniques Every Producer Needs to Master

Top 7 Audio Mixing Techniques Every Producer Needs to Master - MBMA

Do you struggle in your audio mixing career? Do you want to upgrade audio mixing techniques to establish yourself? Well! It is about using them on the tools like compressors, equalizer, delay, and reverb.

To become a popular audio mixer, you must blend the beats with unique effects. Thus, making the tracks engaging to the target audience. 

It is the process of multitrack blending. Song mixing is the final step before mastering. 

The audio mixer completes 80% of aggregate track mixing. 

A mastering engineer does 20% of the mastering of an individual track for 100% top-notch quality. To build an emotional connection with the audience, scroll down to learn more.   

What is Audio Mixing? 

Audio mixing is the process of selecting a particular recorded track. And mixing them with your effects. An audio mixing engineer aims to make the tracks sound engaging. The tools include a compressor, reverb, and EQ.

Audio mixing techniques involves using over multiple beats in a track. The outcome of multitrack is called mix down. Audio mixing is the final process before mastering music production. Learning music mixing techniques is vital. Implementing your creativity will take you to the next level in audio mixing. 

Top Music Mixing Techniques Every Music Producer Needs to Know 

Audio mixing is an essential element of music production. It blends the recorded tracks with significant effects. The goal audio mix engineer is to make the track sound interesting. So, effective music mixing techniques will make your track sound unique.  

1. Additive EQ

The music producer emphasises on adding frequencies that are missed. So, your listening skills will tell you the missing frequencies depending on your music taste. 

In professional music production, you can give a boost of 3khz. That is the part where our ears are pretty sensitive. You need to experiment with the sound to see if they are making sense.  

2. Volume

It is vital to form a balance in the amplitudes of each track. You need to twist the volume knob in each instrument at the close loudness level. Let me tell you, you cannot get 100% right due to variations in the dynamics.  

3. Corrective EQ

The usage of an equalization (EQ) plug-in is quite common in the audio mixing process. It is helpful to reduce the frequencies of a track instead of increasing them. You can remove unnecessary frequencies with the help of EQ. Do not keep your EQ in solo mode.

4. Stereo Image

Most importantly, you need to set the position of the sound in the stereo image. Separate the stereo image. And it will give them space to breathe. 

The audience will enjoy listening to the sound. You can use the panning process for your audio mixing from left or right. Otherwise, you can place them by the usage of mono.

5. Compression

Several music producers hate the compression process in audio mixing. So, they use them without knowledge. Compression plays a role in reducing the dynamic range of a signal. 

For instance, you record your friend playing the guitar. Then, you will identify that some notes are high and others are low. You need to reduce the dynamic range of a signal in high notes of audio mixing. The aim is to make the track sound smooth by using compression. Thus, maintaining the right balance. 

6. Reverb & Delay

Reverb and delay have a creative impact on the process of audio mixing. If you overuse the delay effect, the audio mix will sound sludgy. 

In contrast, the over usage of reverb will give you a muddy outcome of the track. So, you must maintain the balance in using reverb and delay under one roof of a song. The audience is used to listening to everything with a balanced context.

7. Saturation

Saturation is not mandatory in the process of audio mixing. It can add frequencies that are already present in the track. Some music producers believe that it can spice the track in a better way. 

Experiment with the tracks by using saturation. The purpose is to observe whether it is suitable or not. If you overuse saturation, it can mess up your track.  

Read More: What is the Difference Between Mixing and Mastering Music?

More Basic Music Mixing Tips 

In music mixing, you need to make the soundtrack better than competitors in the music industry. Besides basic audio mixing, everyone has different ways of using tools. Follow the below audio mixing techniques to boost your music production career.  

1. Name your Songs Properly.

It is one of the simplest tasks to name your audio mix tracks. If you name the tracks like audio track 12, you will not remember. So, the key is to use the correct name for the music production process. When you start searching for audio mixing, you will save your time. 

2. DAW Selection. 

You will find several DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) in the market. They are available at different prices and features. So, your role is to balance the budget and features. 

If you purchase a cheap DAW with fewer features, it will not meet your music production requirements. You need to invest less in DAW if you are a beginner in audio mixing.

3. Color Coding of the Tracks

Color code your song mixing in the music production. For instance, give red code for your piano tracks and yellow for vocals. In doing so, blending the beats in a track will be easy. Your time and energy will be saved. 

4. Audio Mixing Set-up Session

Mainly, DAWs offer nifty templates. You will get the essential band mix. If unsatisfied or your requirements are not met, produce your audio-mixed template in your music production.   

Read More: Top 10 Important Music Production Tips for Beginners


We are delighted that you got an insight into audio mixing techniques and tips. Every music producer aims to make their tracks timeless through song mixing. 

If you follow the above audio mixing tips in every song, you will have an emotional connection with the audience. Song mixing is a significant part of music production. 

Join MB music academy if you want to be a successful music producer. It is the first career-driven academy in India with top industry veterans. Why wait? Take a step toward success by visiting our official website: https://mbmusicacademy.org.