MB Music Academy - MBMA

Guitar Pro Skills and Techniques


If any student desires to take their basic guitar skills to a professional level, the “Guitar Pro Skills and Techniques” course is ideal. Our guitar course is for passionate people who are ready to kick start a career in guitar.

Our best guitar learning course has a balance between theory and practical. This course is designed by experts with integrated learning models. The primary motive is to take your passion to the top level.

Best Guitar Course in India - MBMA
  • MB music academy students will get exposure to various chords, styles, and scales in our guitar classes.
  • In our best guitar course, the students will be introduced to the jams and sessions with other guitarists.
  • The students will practically learn the different gears and tones in our guitar course in India.
  • They will have an in-depth understanding of the chord’s functions in progression in our best music academy.
  • MBMA students will have the proper technique to hold a pick by attending our guitar classes. So, they would play the guitar at the faster phase.
  • The student will be able to produce a legato sound that makes the overall notes sound smooth.
  • They will have the best techniques to increase the note’s pitch by bending the string in our best guitar learning course.
  • The students will be able to match their voices with guitar notes. So, they will use vibrato techniques thought in our music classes in India.
Topic Covered
Interpretation and analysis of the chord movements
Difference between chord tone, key center, and chord scale
Analysis of chord functions
Essential exercises
Diatonic and non-diatonic scales
Interpretation and analysis of the chord movements
Difference between chord tone, key center, and chord scale
Analysis of chord functions
Essential exercises
Diatonic and non-diatonic scales
Prerequisites of the Course
  • The interested students must possess basic and advanced guitar skills & techniques.
  • They need to have a drum kit to ensure practical learning in our top music academy.
Guitar Course in India - MBMA
Best Advanced Guitar Classes in India - MBMA
Unique Features: Why MBMA?
  • MBMA is the top music academy with the best industry veterans to influence the next generation of superstars.
  • Besides teaching students, we are the first career oriented music academy in India.
  • We strongly believe in a practical approach. So, the students have pictures, examples, and assignments in our best guitar learning course.
  • Our team creates unique talents that will create a mark in the industry.
  • The content in our session is easy and interesting to understand. So, the students will be motivated to learn more in our best music academy.
Career Scope after the course completion
Advanced Guitar Courses in India - MBMA

MB music academy students can become music therapists to produce healing music through the guitar. In addition, a degree in psychology is necessary.

Advanced Guitar Classes in India - MBMA

They can find career opportunities to become a guitar teacher since this is a professional course.


Advanced Guitar Institute in India - MBMA

As professional certified guitarists, the students can become recording artists with vocals.


Top Advanced Guitar Classes in India - MBMA

They can join music bands to earn income and gain popularity after completing our guitar course.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What skills are required for guitar?

The skills for playing guitar are:

  • Scales of Guitar
  • Playing with the right timings
  • Barre chords
  • Theoretical concepts of music.
  • Consistent improvement.
  • Ear training.
  • Chords progression
  • Memorizing notes
  • Power chord guitar riffs

What qualities make a good guitarist?

Below are the qualities that make a good guitarist:

  • Creativity
  • Patience
  • Consistency.
  • Commitment
  • Dedication

What are the 7 natural notes on a guitar?

The 7 natural notes on a guitar are A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.