MB Music Academy - MBMA

Best Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Music Therapist in India

Best Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Music Therapist in India - MBMA

Do you like music? Do you desire to help others? Then! A music therapist is an ideal profession. It positively makes a difference in the lives of people.

How to start a career in music therapy? In search of answers, you will begin to surf the internet and ask your family & friends. You will find a lot of information. However, it may not be reliable and systematic. When you implement the process, it may lead to a waste of time and energy.

We have invested 48 hours in research. And interviewed the finest music therapist in India. The motive is to get truthful information that will help you become a music therapist. To know more, scroll down.

Music Therapist Eligibility

For instance, your is to aim to become a professional music therapist. Then, you must complete your 12th class with music as your subject. It is essential to pursue your Diploma course or certification in Music therapy.

A bachelor in Arts is necessary with subjects like psychology, biology, and physiology. It is essential to have a caring attitude to become a music therapist. Moreover, the ability to communicate with people of different ages, backgrounds, and cultures. 

Why is Music Therapist a Good Career Choice?

Mental stress is a part of our life. Today, everything is fast in the personal and professional life of people. So, it has led to mental stress. Even the young generation go through a lot of stress due to high career competition.

Therefore, music therapy is an effective solution to reduce stress. Individuals are aware of music therapists in their local areas.

You can set up a practice centre to help people reduce stress.

Moreover, you can associate yourself with mental hospitals or clinics. There is a scope for becoming a music therapist teacher in music institutes and schools.

Music Therapist Required Skills

Along with your primary education in music therapy, you need excellent skills to reduce the mental stress of your clients. Moreover, they will help in developing the relations. The implementation of the below practical skills will determine your successful career.

1. Provide Emotional Support

The profession of music therapy is about healing the mental health of people. So, you need to have a strong desire to provide emotional support to your clients and their loved ones.

2. Effective Managerial Skills

As a music therapist, you need to possess efficient management skills. Moreover, become proactive rather than reactive towards the situation.

3. Excellent Communication Skills

Music therapists meet people with different attitudes, behaviours, and natures. So, you need to have the ability to adjust with any person with excellent communication skills. Treat equally, although individuals are from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

4. Learning Approaches

Nowadays, everything develops at faster phase. Hence, you must upgrade yourself as a music therapist through consistent learning. Otherwise, your competitors in the music therapy profession will be ahead. And people might not approach you.

5. Listening Skills

You must listen carefully when people with mental health conditions express their pain and suffering. Then, take your time to find solutions to treat them with music therapy skills. As a music therapist, ask only relevant questions.

How to Become a Music Therapist in India?

Every profession has steps in achieving career goals. To become a music therapist, Implement the steps. The below steps are easy and effective.

Step 1 – Practice Music

It is significant to have practical knowledge of music therapy to treat mental health. Regular practice is necessary to gain mastery. Get familiarised with the sound healing instruments. Analyse its effect on people after the usage.

Step 2 – Go to Music School

To become a music therapist, you must pursue a degree or diploma from a recognized music academy. The music therapy course should include subjects like disabling conditions, music theory, psychology, and physiology.

Step 3 – Get Internship – Experience

Every organization gives first preference to the experienced candidate for the job. Thus, considering the continuous tenure with the previous music institute or hospital.

Even when pursuing your music therapy degree, get an internship to add to your experience. It will benefit you to get high-paying full-time employment.

Step 4 – Opt for Music Therapy Certification.

For example, you have completed the Bachelor of Arts degree or 12th class. Then, enrol yourself in completing music therapy certification. To continue as a music therapist, it is necessary to renew the certificate every five years.

Salary of Music Therapist

The income of a music therapist depends on the factors like location, kind of business, qualification, and experience. You can earn an average of 2,70,000 INR if you are at entry-level.

In case you are experienced, you can earn a salary from 3,50,000 INR to 5,00,000 INR annually. You can even make more depending on the organization and years of experience. Also, the quality of experience contributes to earning high income in music therapy.

For instance, you live in a overseas. Then, you can earn from 24,00,000 to 37,00,000 ($24 to 37K). Let me tell you, you will find a lot of careers opportunities abroad

What are the Job Roles of a Music Therapist?

When you are a music therapist, you give sessions in the music academy. Use your music therapy expertise to provide client services.

In the client servicing, track their progress and share those reports with their families & friends. When you treat people with mental health conditions in the hospital, treat them by participating in singing and playing music.

Give recommendations for the next music academy or school sessions to improve the teaching process. Develop creative plans to benefit your clients. Encourage your clients to learn and play sound healing instruments in your service. 

Final Words

We will be delighted to see your music therapy career be a success. It is crucial to follow the steps to become a top music therapist. If you are eager to help people and like music, it is the ideal profession.

Enroll yourself in MB music academy in India. It is the first career-oriented music academy with the finest music therapy courses. The music therapy teachers will help you to seek career opportunities. So, take a step by visiting our official website: https://mbmusicacademy.org.